
Theatre Technical Information

2006년 서울문화재단이 실시한 ‘서울시 공연장 매뉴얼 개발 사업’을 통해 우리는 약 150여 개의 공연장을 실측 조사하였으며 서울문화재단 홈페이지를 통해 무료 배포하였습니다. 그전까지 도면조차 없었던 공연장에 표준화된 극장기술정보를 적용하여 스태프들의 작업에 실질적으로 활용되었고, 노후된 극장 시설을 보완하는 리모델링과 컨설팅의 첫 걸음이 되었습니다. 2013년부터 2021년, 2023년 한국문화예술회관연합회와 함께 한국문화예술회관 극장기술정보 DB (click)를 구축하여 무료 배포하고 있습니다.

During Seoul City’s “Theater Manual Development” project, which was run by Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture in 2006, Staffseoul analyzed about 150 theaters in Korea and shared the information on the foundation’s website for free. In this way, we collected standardized, technical information on theaters which hadn’t even had any floor plan. The information was used for stage staff’s work in a practical way and constituted the first step for remodeling and consulting that strengthened old theaters’ facilities. From 2013 to 2021 and 2023, Staffseoul established Korean Theater Technical Information DB (Click here; the database of technical information on the theaters at the country’s culture and arts centers), in cooperation with the Korean Culture and Arts Centers Association. Use of the database is free of charge.